Installation accessories
Effective width 475 mm.
The widest ridge capping on the market makes installation easy and gives margins.
Improves the ventilation of the roof. Colour RR23.
Flashing the same length as the roof (max. 10 m) in one piece without seams.
Adjustable lower eaves flashing that facilitates the installation of gutters and controls the eaves line.
Full-width mitre plate that ensures waterproofness even in gently sloping Progantti roofs.
For the sealing of mitres. With adhesive surface.
Reduces noise caused by wind, quick and easy to install.
For roof-to-wall connections.
Available pre-bent to the correct angle.
Necessary at the eaves under the gable flashing – keeps the gable boards dry.
Insulated 110. Complete set, includes Progantti lead-through.
Insulated 125/160 mm. Complete set, includes Progantti lead-through.
25-70 mm, 50-100 mm, 90-150 mm, 125-200 mm
Passage size 600 x 600 mm. Includes hinges and lock.
Keeps the ventilation channels open in a ventilated ridge construction also in winter conditions.
Allows free thermal movements at the edge of the roof, prevents wrinkling and noise.
For pent roof ridges. Available pre-bent to the correct angle.
Perforated sealing flashing that prevents snow and water from entering the underlying structures and improves ventilation. Colour RR23.
For attaching the bottom edge of mitre-cut roofing sheets and flashings.
For tile pattern roofs. Recommended for roof inclinations more level than 1:2.
For all roof types and inclinations.
Available pre-bent to the correct angle.
Necessary at the eaves under the gable flashing – keeps the gable boards dry. Profile-specific.
Passage size 600 x 600 mm. Includes hinges and lock.
For corrugated roofs. Used with insulated lead-through tubes.
With shaped ridge capping.
Insulated 110. Complete set, includes roof lead-through and for corrugated sheets also a base sheet (nr 10).
Insulated 125/160 mm. Complete set, includes roof lead-through and for corrugated sheets also a base sheet (nr 10).
For shaped and wide ridge cappings.
With shaped ridge capping.
With shaped ridge capping.
25–70 mm, 50–100 mm, 90–150 mm, 125–200 mm
General seal for mitres, ridges and hips, suitable for all Weckman profiles (rm). Gasket tape 3 x 10 mm for side and extension overlaps 25 rm/roll. Ventilated sealing mat for ridge and hip, 5 rm/roll.
Roofing screws with seals are available as galvanised and in standard colours.