Financial sustainability at Weckman

Sustainable and profitable

To us, financial sustainability also means continuous development. With a goal-oriented attitude, we operate in a sustainable and profitable manner while continuously improving our operations.

Safe, high-quality products

High-quality materials and controlled processes are the cornerstone of our product safety. We design and manufacture safe steel products that are suitable for construction and transport and that support our customers’ business operations. In the development of our product and service range, we pay attention to customer needs and environmental safety. We work with reliable goods suppliers and favour companies that take care of their environmental and social responsibilities.

Sanerall taloyhtiö-kattoremontti

A family-run Finnish company

Weckman is a Finnish family business, which has been owned and run by the Weckman family for more than 60 years.

Sustainable management

Sustainability is a central part of Weckman’s quality, environmental and occupational health and safety systems.

Sustainable management means overall management of the operations in a sustainable manner with a view to achieving the set targets. A sustainable company promotes the wellbeing of the environment and people while creating added value for its owners and society.

Goals: Our goal is a work community with a high level of wellbeing, satisfied stakeholders and profitable operations.

Standards: ISO 9001:2015 quality management standard, quality management system (PDCA model)

Weckman is part of a quality chain that is assessed by our customers on a daily basis

Our jointly built and developed quality management system governs our operations, from material suppliers to customers, covering purchases and procurement, design, warehousing, sales, manufacturing and deliveries. The system is based on the requirements and central quality management principles of the ISO 9001:2015 environmental standard.

Our ERP system includes all the central factors that we can develop to improve cost-efficiency and achieve cost leadership in our field. Weckman is part of a quality chain that is assessed by our customers on a daily basis. The results of these assessments are reflected in the purchase of products and services and as feedback from our customers. Customer feedback is used to develop our operations. To us, the high quality of work and excellent customer service attitude among staff are central customer satisfaction indicators.

The basic principle of our ERP system is to support Weckman Steel Oy in the management and guidance of its operations and to offer a tool for these activities. Our main goal is to achieve a flexible operating model that emphasises local operations, supports our customers’ business and forms a competitive, uniform entity as a result of collaboration between our customers, staff and collaboration partners.

Sustainable actions

A reduced carbon footprint of Weckman’s halls, roofing sheets and trailers

Smaller carbon footprint of Weckman’s steel halls offers financial benefits

The reform of Weckman’s steel hall production will reduce the carbon footprint of the halls [...]

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Weckman thin sheets help reduce the carbon footprint in construction

Up to 70–80% of Weckman’s thin sheet products are made in a sustainable manner. The [...]

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The new Weckman trailer ranger – more ecological to manufacture and use

The manufacturing process of Weckman’s new trailer range has been updated from design to procurement, [...]

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